We're Committed to a Learning-First Louisiana
In a coordinated effort to recover and accelerate learning due to the previous year’s challenges, we are calling on school systems across the state to join the Louisiana Comeback commitment for 2021-2022. This statewide collective impact is based around three primary areas:
During the 2021-2022 school year, each school system is required to submit an ESSER formula funds plan to support Louisiana’s students, particularly those disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. By focusing funding, time, and effort on key strategic investments, school systems will propel their academic recovery and accelerate learning for all students.
Commitment Overview
Attendance & Well Being

Louisiana Comeback aims to encourage the creation of engaging, belonging, and risk-free environments for students. LDOE believes that instituting well-being policies enhances intrinsic motivation, decreases disciplinary problems, increases academic achievement, improves school satisfaction, and leads to thriving individuals, communities, and nations. Simply stated, those who feel better can learn better.
Key Investments
- Re-engagement
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Trauma-informed care
LDOE Attendance and Well-Being Investments
- Director of Child Welfare and Attendance
- Drop out early warning systems
- School Social Work Expansion
- Educator Mental Health Supports
- Student Mental Health and Well-Being Supports
Total SEA Investment: $16 Million
Recovery & Acceleration

Louisiana Comeback incentivizes schools to invest in activities that recover and accelerate student learning, reducing instructional loss from the past two school years and helping put students back on track. For example, the campaign promotes massive efforts around tutoring, literacy intervention, graduation planning, and after school and summer programs.
Key Investments
Targeted Learning Support
- Tutoring (ELA and Math)
- Literacy Interventions and Extensions
- Individual Graduation Plans (IGP)
Before and After School Programs
Summer Learning Programs
LDOE Recovery and Acceleration Investments
- Individual Graduation Plans
- Accelerate
- Summer Learning Programs
- Before and After School Programs
- Tutoring Vouchers
- Accelerating Schools
Total SEA Investment: $90 Million
Professional Learning

Planning to address the needs of all students is intentional, thoughtful work that is best accomplished when teachers have regular and devoted time to collaborate around their craft. Literacy outcomes for students improve when students are provided high-quality core instruction together with explicit literacy interventions and extensions based on individual student needs.
Key Investments
School Improvement Best Practices
- Instructional Leadership Teams (ILT)
- Teacher Collaboration (PLC/ Cluster)
Literacy Professional Development
LDOE Professional Learning Investments
- School Improvement Best Practices
- Literacy Foundations (PD)
- Literacy Coordinators